Hey Ho! Hope this post finds you enjoying the new year! Introduction I started the new year by baking a big metaphorical “cookie”. It is a concept that I learned from David Goggins from his book. I wanted to share
Food and Frugality
Introduction “One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” – Virginia Woolf Food is an integral part of our lives. Significant time and effort are dedicated to getting our daily sustenance. With that backdrop,
The best is the enemy of the good
I am reading a book and I recently come across this quote : “The best is the enemy of the good”. It was in the context of building new productive habits. At first, that made me go “Wait that cannot
The case for Meditation – Illustrated Edition
Introduction I am 28 years old now. The years between 22 and 27 was a rough patch for me. Although, I did portray an air of confidence and positivity to people around me, I was trapped in a negative train