Introduction Here is a fact. The average lifespan of a human being is 4000 weeks. Of that, ~1333 weeks will be spent exclusively sleeping1 😴. ~4000 weeks of breathing🧘♂️ in the background2 ~472 weeks on shopping for, preparing for, and
Debt: Understanding and leveraging it to build wealth
Hi Folks, We are back with another video. In this video, I talk about the concept of Debt. During discussions with my friends, I found that this topic is often dealt with emotionally. But I found this emotional response to
I am starting a Youtube Channel!
Hey Folks! Hope you all are doing well! Just a short message to everyone. I have started a YouTube channel. In my channel, I post stuff that I find interesting and educational in the hope that others find it useful.
6 Years of FI, Hitting 30s: Implications and the Future
Hey Ho Folks! Hope you all are safe and well! Welcome to a longish life update post. Introduction This post is going to be primarily of two parts. First, I would like to do the annual update on my Financial
Two easy hacks to wake up in the morning
Hey Ho!Hope you all are safe and well! Welcome to a life hack post. Introduction For most of my adult life, I have struggled to wake up in the morning. I would want to get up early and start the
Five Lessons from Five years of FI
Hey Ho! Hope you all are safe and well! Welcome to yet another 5-year theme-based post. Introduction Recently, I realized that it’s been five years since I started walking the road of Financial Independence (FI). Earlier, I wrote a blog
Go get some cookies for 2021!
Hey Ho! Hope this post finds you enjoying the new year! Introduction I started the new year by baking a big metaphorical “cookie”. It is a concept that I learned from David Goggins from his book. I wanted to share
5 year of FI journey – An update in numbers
Hey Ho! Hope you all are well and safe, in these unprecedented times. Introduction Yesterday, I realized that it’s been exactly five years since I started walking the road of Financial Independence (FI). So, I figured it would be a
Food and Frugality
Introduction “One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” – Virginia Woolf Food is an integral part of our lives. Significant time and effort are dedicated to getting our daily sustenance. With that backdrop,
The best is the enemy of the good
I am reading a book and I recently come across this quote : “The best is the enemy of the good”. It was in the context of building new productive habits. At first, that made me go “Wait that cannot